Marantz Model 5 mono power amplifier (1958-1963)
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In 1958, Marantz released the Model 5, which was essentially a less powerful and cheaper version of the Model 2 (30 watts, $147.00 vs 40 watts, $200).

Like its more powerful brother, the Model 5 featured both built-in metering for testing and adjusting the bias of each output tube and A.C. balance, and a triode operation switch which reduced the output to 18 watts.

The circuit was slightly modified from the Model 2. Instead of two 6AU4-GTA half-wave rectifiers, the power supply utilised a 5AR4 tube rectifier and a combination of choke/oil-capacitor/ multi-section electrolytic filtering. The voltage gain input valve was a 6BH6 pentode and a 6CG7 acted as as the phase splitter. Most of the other specifications were the same as the Model 2.

Priced at $147 in 1958, today these sought-after mono blocs can fetch over $3,000 for a mint condition condition pair with an average for a working pair around $2,200.

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