Manufacturer's Specifications
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Year of manufacture: 1951-1955
Manufactured by: McIntosh Laboratory Inc, 2 Chambers Street Binghamton, NY
Price when new (in the USA): $249.50
Description: power amplifier
Mono/stereo: mono
Power output: 50 watts continuous, 90 watts intermittent
Efficiency: 60% at 50 watts; 76% at 90 watts
Gain: 40dB minimum, 95dB maximum (pre-amp & transformer)
Distortion: less than 1.0% 20-20kHz
Intermodulation distortion: less than 1.0% if instantaneous peak power is below 100 watts
Frequency response: 20 - 20kHz ± 0.1dB; 10 - 100kHz ± 3dB
Noise & hum: 90dB below rated output, 70dB with preamplifier
Output impedance: 4, 8, 16, 32 or 600 (balanced)
Damping factor: 10 or better (for 4, 8, 16 & 32 ohms), 17 for 600 ohms
Input impedance: 100k (20 - 40kHz); with input transformer 50, 250 or 600k
Input sensitivity: 0.5v
Tubes: 2 x 6L6G/1614 output, 1 x 12AX7 (preamplifier and phase inverter), 2 x 6J5 (driver), 2 x 5U4 (rectifier)
Dimensions: 6¾ x 8¼ x 5¼ (171.45 x 130 x 133mm)
Weight: 59½ lb (27kg)