Pamphonic 1003 mono integrated amplifier (1955 - 1957)
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Vintage test report

The mono model 1003 was Pamphonic's first fully integrated hi-fi amplifier and modestly priced at £28 7s. 10 watts were delivered courtesy of two 6AQ5s in an ultra linear push-pull output stage and the overall distortion level was 0.5% at 8 watts. Frequency response was claimed to be substantially flat from 20 c/s to 50 kc/s.

Controls included (from left to right) main selector switch: (Mic / Tape / Radio / Pickup - Dec ca LP / Pickup - N.A.R.T.B. / Pickup - 78 r.p.m.); bass control ( -16db to + l5db at 50 c/s); treble control (-16db to +16db at 10 kc/s) and graded volume control with on/off switch.

The unit was finished in an attractive mottled-green metal case with back-illuminated perspex front panel.

See vintage test report for further information.

Priced in 1955 at £28 7s, today's value would be around £80 - £100 in good working condition.

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