Pamphonic 2001 mono amplifier and 2001A preamplifier (1956 - 1964)
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The 2001 was a mono power amplifier with an output of 25 watts continuous at 15 cps to 30kcps. It utilised two KT-66s in ultralinear mode and was designed to match the Pamphonic 2001A control unit. Interestingly, though the amplifier was sold up until 1964, presumably to be used in pairs for stereo reproduction, Pamphonic never appeared to have made a stereo preamplifier.

The 2001A control unit derived its LT & HT voltage supplies from the power amp via an octal-plug umbilical cable. It featured an input selector for radio, tape, phono (with equalisation for 78, LP1 & LP2) and microphone; separate treble and bass controls plus a 4-position treble filter and volume control.

Sold together as a unit for £44 8s or separately for £29. 8s (amplifier) and £12. 12s (control unit); today a pair of amplifiers in top condition might be worth around £300 but the control unit would not be of much value.

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