Manufacturer's Specifications
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Year of manufacture: 1964 - 1970
Manufactured by: Rogers Developments Ltd., Rodevco Works, 4-14 Barmeston Road, Catford, London, S.E.6.
Price when new (in the UK): £29 10s, (£32 10s in integrated free-standing case)
Description: integrated amplifier
Mono/stereo: stereo
Power output: 10 + 10 Watts (sine wave), 12.5 + 12.5 Watts IHFM.
Harmonic distortion: 0.25% at 5 Watts, 0.8% at 10 Watts
Frequency response: ±0.5dB 20-20,000 hZ
Loudspeaker matching: 3-5 and 12-16
Inputs: magnetic and ceramic pickups (matching by plug-in adaptors) maximum sensitivity 2mV, radio and tape.
Filters: high and low pass filters: 60 c/s and 6.5 Kc/s.
Tubes: 4 x ECL 86, 3 x ECC 807
Dimensions: 12 x 10¾ x 5½ ins (304.8 x 273.1 x 139.7 mm)
Power supply: 110-250 Volts AC 50-60 c/s