Manufacturer's Specifications
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Year of manufacture: 1960 - 1964
Manufactured by: Rogers Developments (Electronics) Ltd., 4-14 Barmeston Road, London, S.E.6.
Price when new (in the UK): £42 (or without case £38 10.)
Description: integrated amplifer
Mono/stereo: stereo
Power output: 12 watts per channel (nominal); 14 watts per channel peak
Harmonic distortion: 0.25% for 12 watts
IM distortion: 1.5%. 50 c/s. and 6,000 c/s. 4:1
Frequency response: 30-20,000 c/s, ± 1 dB
Negative feedback: 16 dB 1 kc/s
Hum and noise: 80 dB below 12 watts
Inputs (sensitivities for 12 watts output):

magnetic pickups: 4 or 80 mV (RIAA)
crystal pickups: 6 or 120 mV
radio: 120 mV
tape heads: 4 or 20 mV (CCIR)
t ape preamplifiers: 20 or 120 mV

Preamplifier overload capacity: -40dB
Filters: low Pass Filter - 5-20 kc/s, built-in high-pass filter
Tape output: 100-260 mV
Output impedence: 4, 8 and 16
Tubes: 2 x EF86; 2 x ECC83; 4 x ECL86; 1 x GZ34
Dimensions: case: 15½ x 10¾ x 7 in. (394 x 273 x 178 mm)
chassis 14 x 10¾ x 5¼ (356 x 273 x 133 mm)
Weight: case: 27½ Ib with case (12.5 kg)
chassis: 23½ Ib (10.7 kg)
Operating voltage:: 200-230-250 v. 50 c/s and 110- 115-125 v. 60/60 c/s, consumption: 95 watts