Manufacturer's Specifications
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Amplifier details

Year of manufacture: 1966-1975
Manufactured by: Rogers Developments Ltd., Rodevco Works, 4-14 Barmeston Road, Catford, London, S.E.6.
Price when new (in the UK): £59 10s, cabinet additional £4 10s
Description: integrated amplifier
Mono/stereo: stereo
Power output: 25 watts RMS, 55 Watts peak per channel
Distortion: 0·1% at rated power
Frequency response: 20Hz - 50kHz ± 3dB
Signal to noise ratio: -80dB
Feedback: 36dB
Output impedance: 8 and 15
Input sensitivity (for 25 watts output at 1 kc): aux: 200mV; pickup: 4, 8, 100 & 200mV; radio: 200mV; tape replay: 200mV
Output transistors: 2N3055