
Taken from 'High Fidelity Magazine' October
THE EQUIPMENT: Altec Playback Three Sixty, an
integrated stereo preamp—power amplifier. Dimensions: 5½
by 15 by 11¼ inches. Price, $366. Manufacturer: Altec Lansing
Corp., 1515 S. Manchester Ave., Anaheim, California
COMMENT: The Playback Three Sixty is a completely
solid-state control amplifier offering reliable performance in the
medium-power class. The front panel contains six rotating controls
and a row of nine keyboard-type switches. The rotating controls
include: a six-position program selector (microphone, tape head,
phono, radio, tape amplifier, and auxiliary); a volume control combined
with the power off-on switch; separate friction-coupled concentric
treble control knobs for each channel; similar type bass controls;
a channel blend control; a channel balance control. The keyboard
switches are for: rumble filter; stereo-mono; tape monitor; channel
reversal; high or low gain; volume contour; scratch filter; phase
reversal; headphones or speakers. A low-impedance headphones jack
also is on the front panel.
The rear of the amplifier contains six pairs of
stereo input jacks that correspond to the settings of the program
selector, plus an output jack for feeding each channel to a tape
recorder. There also is a slide switch to select suitable gain and
equalization for either a magnetic or ceramic (crystal) cartridge.
A separate jack provides an "A plus B" signal for driving
an additional basic amplifier (for monophonic sound in another room,
or a center channel in the main listening room). In addition, there
are terminals for a center-channel speaker that may be hooked up
directly to the Three Sixty. The left and right speakers are connected
directly to two dual-terminal barrier strips; suitable output impedance
(4, 8 or 16 ohms) is selected by a slide switch. The rear of the
set also has two AC convenience outlets.
The circuitry of the Three Sixty is built around
twenty-eight transistors, and three diode-rectifiers. To prevent
damage to the transistors or amplifier failure owing to an extreme
rise in heat (which may be caused by excessive current in the output
stages due to a short circuit), the amplifier is equipped with three
thermal-type, automatic-reset circuit breakers. Two of these devices
are in the output signal channels, and the third in the AC power
line to the amplifier. In tests conducted at United States Testing
Company, Inc., these circuit breakers proved to be excellent safeguards
against short circuits or severe overload. USTC regards their use
as a definite design advantage as well as a convenience, inasmuch
as they obviate the need to pull the amplifier out of its installation
to replace a fuse.
performance tests, the Altec Three Sixty exceeded its power claim
of 25 watts per channel at about 1.5% total harmonic distortion,
providing actually 25.9 watts on the left channel, and 26.2 watts
on the right channel. Other related measurements are shown on the
accompanying charts. The power bandwidth, extending from 13 cps
to 30 kc, is especially good for an integrated amplifier. Harmonic
distortion varied with the power the amplifier was called on to
deliver, rising somewhat generally above 20 watts per channel and
in the high-frequency region. The IM distortion was typical of many
solid-state amplifiers, decreasing as audio power output was increased
up to almost full power. The lowest distortion, in general, was
measured with the amplifier driving an 8-ohm load, and at power
output levels from about 10 to 20 watts per channel. This, along
with the amplifier's fairly low damping factor, would suggest the
Three Sixty's optimum use in driving well-damped speakers of moderate
to high efficiency. Frequency response, RIAA disc equalization,
and NAB tape equalization all were very good; the tape-head playback
characteristic, in fact, was one of the finest yet measured. Tone
control, loudness contour, and filter characteristics all conformed
closely to the curves shown by the manufacturer and were quite satisfactory.
An unusual feature of the Three Sixty is its "high
gain" switch for changing the amplifier's input sensitivity.
The switch, when off, decreases the amplifier's gain and thus can
prevent overloading from high-level sources that are supplying very
strong signals. In its ON position, the switch permits the Three
Sixty to operate at full gain. The OFF position of this switch,
as expected, improved signal-to-noise ratio, although the S/N characteristic
was very good in the ON position. There was no appreciable change
in distortion from one position of the switch to the other.
Square-wave response was, in general, good for
an integrated amplifier. The 10-kc photo showed some roll-off of
the extreme highs, but no ringing. The 50-cps photo showed some
low-frequency boost but no excessive phase distortion. The amplifier
proved to be completely stable with all loads. All told, the Three
Sixty shapes up as a very worthy contender in the medium-power class
of new, all-transistor integrated amplifiers.
