
from High Fidelity magazine, April 1955
SPECIFICATIONS (furnished by
manufacturer): a combination preamp-control and power amplifier
on one chassis.
Inputs: high or low-level magnetic phono cartridge;
microphone; two high-level sources (labelled Tuner and Aux.) Controls:
combined selector and equalization switch (3 phono positions with
RIAA, 78, or Pop equalization; Mic, Tuner, Aux); combined AC on-off
and Volume; Bass (±17db, 40 cycles); Treble (+11 to -14 db,
15,000 cycles). Hum adjustment on back of chassis. Outputs:
4, 8, or 16 ohms to speaker; high-impedance output, not affected
by tone and volume controls, to feed tape recorder. Two switched
AC power outlets. Response: within 0.5 db from
15 to 50,000 cycles; -3 db at 10 and 85,000 cycles, 12 watts.
Distortion: 0.125%, 0.25%, and 0.65% harmonic at 1, 5,
and 12 watts respectively; 14 watts peak. Damping Factor;
infinity. Noise: 81 db below rated output on high-level
channels; 55 db below on phono channel. Tubes:
3-12AX7, 2-6V6GT, 5Y3GT. Dimensions: 5¼
in. high by 11 wide by 7¼ deep.
Price: $59.95. Manufacturer:
David Bogen Company, Inc., 29 Ninth Avenue, New York 14, N. Y.
Here's another surprise from Bogen - the surprise
being, of course, the price tag on the DB110 amplifier. It is one
of the best-sounding amplifiers we've heard in this general price
class, and (in our opinion, anyway) probably the best planned from
the aspect of versatility.
There are six pin-jack connectors on the back
panel. Two of them are alternate inputs for a magnetic phono cartridge,
depending on whether you have a high or low- output cartridge. There
is an input for a high-impedance microphone and two for high-level
sources such as tuner, tape recorders, or TV audio. The remaining
jack is a high- impedance output to feed a tape recorder. It isn't
affected by the tone or volume controls, so you can monitor on your
hi-fi system while making a recording or turn the amplifier volume
control off, as you please. A tape output at this price can be considered
a bonus of real value. Also on the back panel are a hum adjustment,
two switched AC power outlets, and the usual 4, 8, and 16-ohm speaker
First three positions on the selector switch are
for the phono input; they're labelled RIAA, 78, and Pop. The 78
position has little high-frequency rolloff and is recommended for
many 78 records, particularly those foreign-made, and the Pop curve
is for noisy records. Somewhat limited choice of equalization? True
- but the people at Bogen have alleviated this with a very clever
expedient that many other manufacturers would do well to follow.
In the instruction book (complete in other ways too) is a simple
table giving bass and treble tone control settings that, combined
with the basic equalization curves, furnish exact equalization for
any record. - Remaining selector switch positions are for the microphone,
radio, and auxiliary inputs.
The power switch is combined with the volume control,
next to the pilot light. Individual bass and treble controls are
on the right; we found that the true flat positions were very close
to those indicated, and that their operating ranges met specifications
on the unit we tested.
Our checks on the power amplifier section showed
low distortion at all power levels up to maximum, lower than in
many amplifiers selling for a good deal more. This was reflected
in fine listening quality.
For those who may want to operate the amplifier
on an open bookshelf or table, an alternative model (DB110G) is
available at $4.55 more. This has a gold-finished metal cage to
conceal and protect the tubes. — R. A.