'The Gramophone' July 1963
The Avel Dynaco Mark IV amplifier can be used
with any conventional stereo or mono preamplifier. Its matching
companion, however is the Dynaco PAS2 stereo preamplifier and a
review of this follows. I am reviewing them separately because they
are sold as two distinct units, and also because the main amplifier
with its large power output may have certain applications not connected
with the use of a normal preamplifier.
The specification of the Mark IV is so good that
it represents a challenge to any self-respecting reviewer to find
something wrong somewhere. Frequency response ±0.5dB from
20 c/s to 60 Kc/s - rise time 5 microseconds - power output within
0.5dB of 30 watts from 20 c/s to 30 Kc/s - completely stable on
all capacitative loads - all this is an invitation to 'have a go’.
I did and I cannot disagree with any of it. My plotted curve of
frequency response looked like a drawing for a new motorway in the
Fen district. My plans to upset a square wave with capacitative
loads applied to the loudspeaker terminals failed completely and
the power output at 1 kc/s showed a steady 44 watts. However, before
my enthusiastic pen runs away with me, I must begin at the beginning,
digressing only to invite readers to take another look at the price.
This is a hybrid amplifier. The mains and output
transformers are British and the remainder American. Aveley Electric
make the transformers, which are toroidally wound, impressive to
look at, undoubtedly expensive to manufacture and contribute more
than a little to the amplifier's excellent performance. Both transformers
and chassis are finished in bright nickel and the ventilated cover
in charcoal brown. At the rear, alongside the loudspeaker terminals,
are an octal socket for power to pre- amplifier and a mains on-off
switch. The circuit is fairly conventional but a few minor modifications
have been made to the American circuit by Aveley Electric in the
negative feedback line to suit their transformers.
A voltage amplifier stage, pentode half of a 7199
triode pentode, is directly coupled to the triode section, which
is used as a phase splitter with equal loads in anode and cathode.
The signal then feeds the push-pull output stage, a pair of matched
EL34s in ultra-linear operation. Fixed bias is applied to these
from a small metal rectifier fed from a tap on the mains transformer
secondary. The power supply employs a GZ34 rectifier with both choke
and resistor smoothing. All the components for the input stage,
including the valve itself, are mounted on a printed-circuit board.
Output stages and rectifier circuit are wired in the conventional
Apart from the printed-circuit board, the wiring
on my review model was far from neat. I could see no reason for
this. There is plenty of room on the underside of the chassis to
allow for something approaching Leak or Quad standard. Not that
it makes any difference to the performance but I confess that I
felt a strong desire to spend a couple of hours tidying it up. This
was resisted, however, in favour of writing about it. Components
throughout are of the highest quality and the metal work soundly
and solidly constructed.
As I have already indicated, measurements showed
the amplifier to be magnificent. The frequency response measured
within 0.5dB from 20 c/s to 50 Kc/s. Power output at 1 kc/s measured
44 watts, at 20 Kc/s 37 watts and at 20 c/s 28 watts, good waveform
being maintained all the time. Square wave response was excellent,
stability under various capacitative ' loads complete and hum and
noise negligible.
The triode pentode preamplifier valve type 7199
has no equivalent in this country but supplies are available from
Aveley Electric in case of need. For listening tests the PAS2 stereo
preamplifier was used, a Quad main amplifier supplying the second
channel when checking the stereo performance of the control unit.