
from 'The Gramophone' December 1964
The Dynakit series of amplifiers and tuners have
been well known in the United States for a number of years, so when
my father heard that they were to be imported into Britain he suggested
I might like to report on one of the latest models for THE GRAMOPHONE.
This sounded to me at first rather like taking coals to Newcastle,
but since the war even that seems to be economically justifiable!
For my own use I would prefer to have a preamplifier
and power amplifier in separate units (and these are available in
the Dyna line), as this keeps the principal sources of heat and
hum away from the low-level circuitry. However, for this report
I chose the integrated unit, partly because of its probable appeal
to those with limited space or on a limited budget, and partly to
see how well the problems of combining everything in one chassis
and maintaining a competitive price could be overcome without sacrifice
in the quality of performance.
The two-stage preamplifier uses a single 12AX7
double triode for each channel, mounted with their associated circuitry
on a small printed circuit board. It is used only for the pickup
and tape head inputs, appropriate negative feedback circuits being
selected by contacts on the input selector switch to provide equalization
for the RIAA and NAB response curves. A pair of packaged electronic
circuits (PEC's) are mounted on the input sockets and provide attenuation
and equalization for high- level magnetic and ceramic pickup cartridges.
An unusual feature of the circuit is the use of cathode-to-cathode
positive feedback to increase the gain of the preamplifier. The
preamplifier outputs are fed to further sections of the input switch,
which can at this point select alternative high-level inputs such
as radio or tape recorder amplifiers. The switch itself is particularly
ingenious, accomplishing the selection of the appropriate input
and equalization, and short-circuiting of unwanted inputs and the
preamplifier when not in use, all in one switch wafer for each channel.
The selected pair of signals are made available at a pair of sockets
for a tape recorder, and are also passed on through a stereo-mono
switch and a filter switch to a two-section ganged volume control.
The filter switch enables series and shunt capacitors to be inserted
into the signal circuit to restrict the response at high and low
frequencies when a noisy programme source is used. Associated with
the volume control is a 'loudness' switch which enables additional
bass to be introduced automatically at low volume control settings
if desired. (This is a feature which no amplifier designed for the
American market can afford to be without, though I personally deplore
its use and always leave the switch in the "off" position.)
It is followed by a Baxendall-type tone control circuit, the unusual
feature of which is the high impedance level at which it operates.
This is achieved by the use of another pair of PEG'S mounted directly
on the two sections of the bass and treble controls. These are followed
by a balance control which enables the sensitivities of the two
channels to be adjusted or either one of them to be cut right off
if desired.
Two separate identical printed circuit boards
are used for the power amplifier. The pentode section of a 7199
valve is used as a voltage amplifier, its plate being directly coupled
to the grid of the triode section, which is used as a cathodyne
phase inverter. The operating conditions are ingeniously stabilized
by a DC negative feedback circuit by feeding the screen grid of
the pentode through a resistor from the cathode of the triode. A
decoupling capacitor for the screen to cathode of the pentode applies
positive cathode-to-cathode AC feedback to increase the gain of
the stage. Push-pull 6BQ5's are used for the output stage, the screen
grids being connected to taps on the output transformer primary
to provide about 25% screen loading. The output transformer is of
special design to minimize high frequency phase shift due to interwinding
capacitance and leakage reactance. Negative feedback is applied
from the secondary to the cathode of the voltage amplifier stage,
and additional feedback is applied through a small capacitor from
the appropriate 6BQ5 screen grid to provide high frequency compensation.
A common cathode biasing-resistor is used for the output valves
of both channels. Separate heater windings on the power transformer
are used for the two channels, each with a hum balancing potentiometer
whose slider is connected to the,output valves' cathodes. A pair
of silicon diodes in a full-wave circuit is used for the common
plate supply, with heavy resistor-capacitor smoothing for the early
stages. (I understand that the same circuitry is used for the separate
"Stereo 35" amplifier, with the exception that as less
gain is required a 7247 double triode is used in place of the 7199.)
I was impressed with the thought that had evidently
been given to the chassis design and layout. The assembly is in
three main sections. The three printed circuit boards have' the
components already in place and are mounted in cut-outs in the main
chassis, which also carries the output transformers and the power
supply circuitry. The front panel on which the operating controls
are mounted and the to, panel on which the input sockets, output
terminals and hum controls are mounted air spaced at a distance
from the un-turned from and back edges of the main chassis which
form an effective screen for these components.
I found the instructions very clear and easy to
follow, and all wire lengths accurately specified. The only awkward
connections were those from the output transformers to the output
terminals; other leads from the front or back panel to the main
chassis are attached at one end while these three main assembly
units are still separate, and there is plenty of room to work.
father arrived on his recent visit to the USA just in time to participate
in the excitement of the first listening tests. I believe he was
not disappointed. (That is a considerable under-statement. I thought
the quality A1 - P.W.) We were impressed by the clarity of reproduction
and the complete absence of over-sibilance. Everything seemed to
be working as it should, with the exception that the hum level was
a little higher than I had expected (more about this later). We
found it very easy to adjust the tone controls for a good square
wave response at the radio input (the equalization circuits would
prevent this at the low level inputs), and the balance between the
two channels was very close. There was a slight spike on the leading
edge of the square wave which was attributed to a small increase
in value from normal of one of the capacitances in the tone control
PEC, since it did not appear when the power amplifier was tested
by itself. The effect did not show up in any of the frequency response
measurements, which demonstrates how severe a square wave test is,
and had no noticeable effect on listening performance. (It can be
compensated for in the power amplifier by a small increase in the
value of the screen feedback capacitor, but I would not advise anyone
to attempt this adjustment without the use of a square-wave generator
and oscilloscope.)
The results of the more detailed lab tests were
equally gratifying. It faithfully delivered the specified 174 Watts
sine wave power into a 16 Ohm resistive load for the specified input
level with less than 1% distortion — except at the highest
frequencies. (The distortion level rose to 2½ % at 10,000
c/s, mostly third harmonic; "though the ear cannot hear as
high as that it might attract any passing bat!") At normal
listening levels the distortion was about 0.2%. The intermodulation
distortion at full output was well within specifications and the
channel separation was 38 dB at 10,000 c/s, approaching 50 dB at
100 c/s. The tone controls gave the desired 12'oB bass boost or
cut at 50 c/s, and 12 dB treble cut, but only 9 dB boost, at 15
Kc/s, and were remarkably well balanced between channels throughout
the range. With the filter circuit switched in, there was an additional
attenuation of 3 dB at 80 c/s and 5 Kc/s, falling to 6 dB at 40
c/s and 8 Kc/s. The only difficulty was in the hum and noise level,
which Was rather high. I found on careful examination that I had
not accurately followed the pictorial diagram of the lead routing
on the wiring to the printed circuit boards, nor had I twisted the
heater leads as tightly as is shown. I found a considerable improvement
on correcting this, and also on dressing the heater leads so that
they would stand away from the circuit boards and in contact with
the bottom cover. I found then by interchanging valves that one
12AX7 gave more hum than the other; Dynaco supply selected valves,
made in West Germany, but a poor one must have slipped in somehow.
Fortunately, I was able to go through half a dozen valves of two
leading US brands and found one nearly as quiet as the better German
one. I ended up with a hum and noise figure with the volume control
flat out and the hum controls properly adjusted about 55 dB below
full output. In listening, the hum was barely noticeable, and there
was only a very slight hiss. With the controls set at a normal listening
level I cannot tell whether the amplifier is switched on; that,
of course, is why a pilot light is provided!
This is an amplifier of attractive appearance
and superlative performance for its modest price. Its success is
due to careful design and advanced circuitry which keeps the number
of valves and other components to a minimum. It was a joy to build,
and is a pleasure to hear.
[I thought that the performance was remarkably
like that of the Quad at its best (with the exception, of course,
that there is no variable slope treble filter). So I made copies
of the square wave responses at 100 c/s/1 Kc and 10 Kc/s and when
I got back home compared them with those of the Quad. Apart from
the tiny spike they were identical in all three cases! In short,
a first-class integrated amplifier and control unit. P. W.] |