Taken from 'Stereo
Review' magazine, 1959
a glance: The Stereo 70 is a dual 35-watt power amplifier, featuring
the high quality and moderate price which has characterised earlier
DYNAKIT amplifiers. Its electrical performance is matched only by
manufactured amplifiers that cost far more. The Stereo 70 can be
used as a pair of 35-watt amplifiers for stereo. or as a 70-watt
mono .amplifier. Its power and distortion ratings are completely
conservative. Its listening quality is unsurpassed.
In detail: Each channel of the DYNAKIT Stereo
70 employs a 7199 triode- pentode and a pair of EL-34 output tubes.
The lower plate voltage used the Stereo 70 assures long life for
tubes and filter capacitors. In fact this amplifier's components
are operated more conservatively than those in any other commercial
amplifier we have tested.
The circuitry of the Stereo 70 is very similar
to that of the' older Mk II and Mk III amplifiers except for the
smaller output transformers. Somehow, the two amplifiers and their
power supply have packaged in a space not much greater than that
of the older mono amplifiers, without crowding and apparently without
running at a higher temperature.
Stereo 70's frequency response is so flat that jt almost seems pointless
to plot it. The power response, in either mono or stereo modes is
nearly as good. The apparent discrepancy between the maximum power
outputs shown in these curves and those suggested by the distortion
curves is simply due to the different method of measurement. The
power response shows the maximum power obtainable before some distortion
of the output waveform can be seen on an oscilloscope. Very small
amounts of distortion can be detected in this way. Acceptably low
numerical distortion values can be obtained at much higher power
As the curves show, the distortion each channel
of the Stereo 70 is immeasurably low or approaching the limitations
of the test equipment at powers of 10 watts or less. At 1,000 cycles
each channel is capable of some 43 watts before distortion becomes
appreciable. By paralleling the two channels with the switch provided
on the amplifier, one has a superb 85-watt amplifier (though DYNA
calls it a 70-watt amplifier).
The hum level when driven from a low-impedance
source (such as any preamplifier) is better than 90dB below 10 watts.
Less than 0.7 volts is required to drive each channel to 10 watts
or both channels to 20 watts. The damping factor is approximately
9 (Dyna says 15) Outputs are provided for 4, 8 and 16-ohm: speakers.
The Stereo 70 will develop the equivalent of 18 watts per channel
into a 3-mfd capacitive load at 10 kHz, which makes it quite suitable
for driving electrostatic speakers at high volume levels. It is
absolutely stable and free from ringing under any conditions of
capacitative loading.
power take-off sockets are provided to operate a pair of Dynakit
preamplifiers. Each has its own heater winding to prevent interaction
between channels.
A comparison of the performance of the Stereo
70 against the Dynakit Mk III shows the Stereo 70 to be definitely
superior in all respects. Its distortion at all power levels is
lower than that of the Mk III, and strikingly so near maximum power
output. Its frequency and power response are better at the extremes
of the audio range. Its sensitivity is about 15% higher. Of course,
this improvement in flexibility and performance costs money, which,
in many cases might not be warranted. But for the person who wants
a very compact, superior quality stereo amplifier, or an extremely
powerful mono amplifier at a remarkably low price, the Dynakit Stereo
is a natural.
There seems to be only one important point which the Hirsch-Houck
Labs. Did not include – the fact that the Stereo 70 that they
analysed was a kit (although it is also available wired). We attribute
the excellent performance which can be obtained from our kit to
the use of a factory-assembled printed circuit board containing
the the critical parts of the circuit, the quality of the parts
used, and the factory testing and matching of tubes. The conservative
operation of the components permits us to offer a one-year guarantee
on all parts – a guarantee which we believe is unique in the
kit field.