
from 'Hi Fi News' October 1963
AT the present time living standards
are probably higher in America than anywhere else, but this prosperity
is reflected in the high cost of products which have a large labour
content. This helps to explain why British hi - fi equipment has
for many years managed to compete with the ‘home grown’
products the other side of the Atlantic. True, at one time we were
ahead in design, but because of the lower production cost amplifiers
in particular could stand heavy freight charges, etc. and still
remain competitively priced. Now, however, this trade has assumed
a two - way aspect which keeps manufacturers on their toes and pleases
the customers - although the thought must horrify British economists!
The Third American
So we come to the Fisher XI00, the third American amplifier to be
reviewed in these columns during the last few months. It is priced
at just under £60, and in view of its specifications - plus
the higher cost of manufacture - this must be considered very reasonable.
The name Fisher is, of course, well known among audio enthusiasts
all over the world, and Avery Fisher himself is one of the pioneers
in this field. As far back as 1937 he was producing Sound Systems
using amplifiers with negative feedback and speakers in acoustically
designed enclosures. More recently he has been responsible for some
unique features in FM tuner design for stereo multiplex systems
and also for a range of high-performance speakers.
The XI00 was specially designed for this country
and has a lower power output than the average American amplifier
(I note that Fisher have just released a 150 W model!) but the rated
output of some 20 W per channel is still quite high by our standards.
These are 'music power' figures, but nevertheless the X100 delivers
a good twelve healthy sine - wave watts. Styling and presentation
follow the current American trend, with the right - angled panel
finished in brushed brass and knobs trimmed to match. The lettering
- which is in brown - is very tastefully carried out and the appearance
of the whole facia is most attractive. It is, in effect, divided
into two sections, and the control layout is as follows: top half,
tape - gram equalisation slide switch, two filter switches (high-
and low-pass), low-level control for the left-hand channel, ditto
for the right-hand channel, tape monitor switch, centre channel
switch, and the loudness contour switch. From left to right on the
bottom section, we have the input selector, mode selector, concentric
bass controls for both channels, treble ditto, balance control,
and finally the master volume control. The input selector switch
has the following functions: mag 1, mag 2, tuner, and two auxiliary
positions, while the mode switch has positions for stereo, stereo
reverse, channel A, channel B and mono pickup.
The first valve is an ECC83 double triode, with tape and gram equalisation
effected by a feedback loop between the anode of the second triode
and the cathode of the first. After this stage comes a level control,
then the high-level inputs, low-pass filter and another ECC83 double
triode. Between these two triodes is a passive tone control network
and the rumble filter. Following this stage - in other words the
fourth triode - is the volume/loudness control, balance control,
and then the driver and output stage. The driver valve is another
double triode, this time a 7247 with the second section functioning
as a conventional anode - cathode phase-splitter feeding the two
EL84 (7189) output valves.
Feedback is applied from the output
transformer secondary to the cathode of the driver section of the
7247, and the combined cathode current of the output valves is used
as a source of DC heater supply for the ‘front end’
valves. Resistance-capacity smoothing is employed and the rectifier
is a GZ34. A divider network is connected between the output stages
of channels A and B to form a centre, or ‘phantom’ channel.
The output valves are pentode-connected instead of the more usual
ultra - linear arrangement, and operate at a fairly high anode voltage
(about 350 V anode to cathode). Thus the power output is near the
maximum for this type of valve. Sockets are provided for the Fisher
‘Dynamic Spacexpander’ which can add reverberation to
a tape recording or to a tape playback. Provision is also made for
tape monitoring from a recorder, using separate recording and playback
heads. Both magnetic and ceramic pickups are catered for, and an
indication of the versatility of the XI00 can be gauged from the
fact that no less than 14 input sockets are provided!
Power Output
Frequency c/s |
30 |
40 |
100 |
1,000 |
10,000 |
15,000 |
20,000 |
Watts RMS |
9 |
13 |
14.7 |
15 |
11.3 |
10.4 |
9.6 |
dropped off rapidly below 40 c/s and at 20 c/s it was down to 6.5
W. The feedback loop measured 25 dB and no instability was evident
when this was increased to 40dB - the maximum possible without changing
the circuit! Thus the stability factor is at least 15 dB, which
is exceptionally good. Frequency response was within 1dB from 20
c/s to 13 Kc/s, dropping to -3.3dB at 20 Kc/s. and thence gradually
rolling off. Square-wave definition showed no trace of ringing at
1 Kc/s and the rounding at 10 Kc/s (see diagram) reflects the deliberate
attenuation in the high frequency response. Crosstalk was 34dB at
10 Kc/s and 46dB at 1 Kc/s.
The tone controls measured as follows: bass, a
lift of 17dB and cut of 15dB at 40 c/s; treble, a lift of 15 dB
and cut of 17 dB at 10 Kc/s. Filter characteristics are shown in
the diagrams, and it will be noticed that the turnover point (-3dB)
of the low-pass or 'scratch' filter is around 7 Kc/s and the attenuation
is about 15 dB per octave. The rumble filter attenuates from 45
c/s with a cut of 15 dB at 20 c/s. Due to the use of DC heaters
and careful design of the input stages, hum and noise were very
low. Here are the figures (referred to full output):
Here it is worth noting that the input level controls for magnetic
pickups are connected after the second triode and not right at the
input stage as is customary. Gram equalisation followed the RIAA
specification within 2dB and the tape compensation was found to
comply with the American NAB standards. To obtain a fairly close
match to the RIAA characteristics a slight treble lift will be needed,
position 1 or 2 being found satisfactory. The loudness control switches
in an R/C network which gives bass and treble lift when the volume
control is turned down. No measurements were taken, but using the
Quad electrostatic and Cotswold speakers it was considered that
the sound was more natural, at any level, with the loudness control
off. However, this is a matter for individual preference, and some
compensation may well be useful for certain types of speaker systems
which are demonstrably different at low volume levels.
Both the Decca ffss and EMI EPU100 pickups were
used during the listening tests with excellent results. Plenty of
power was available and the background noise was very low - almost
inaudible a few inches from the speakers. The ‘scratch’
filter was quite effective, although obviously not so efficient
as the more sophisticated variable types fitted to many British
amplifiers. As far as styling is concerned, I would give the XI
00 full marks; I doubt whether even the Design Centre would find
much to criticise. Summing up, I would consider this amplifier a
very strong competitor in what is already a fairly crowded field
and would have no hesitation in recommending it to the most discriminating.
A special word of praise is due to the clear and
lucid instruction manual - especially for the ‘short form’
instructions for ‘the man in a hurry’ - although I feel
this page might be even more useful for the woman of the house who
usually dislikes to read technical information but just wants to
know how to set the knobs to produce music!
G. W. Tillett