
from 'The Gramophone' October 1965
The latest and rather novel manifestation of the
interest which leading American high fidelity manufacturers are
showing in the British market will not have escaped readers of our
advertisement pages. Fisher, like many others, have had no difficulty
in establishing a good foothold in Europe and one can point to at
least two factors which have undoubtedly helped them; first the
lack of strong competition from native manufacturers and secondly
the very large numbers of American Servicemen, plus Diplomatic and
other Staffs, who have brought over such equipment and acted as
unofficial demonstrators and salesmen.
In Britain the introduction has not been so easy,
for dollars have been tight and the price, until now, quite uncompetitive
with the very good products which our own makers can provide. Consequently
the average tide of commerce with visiting Americans has, to our
advantage, been outgoing. Of all the factors limiting British acceptance,
Fisher have decided that the most telling is price. To overcome
this they are reversing a system used by Quad for different reasons
during the last two years in the USA; they are supplying a limited
number of selected dealers in this country directly by air from
the U.S. and are providing those dealers with a stock of spares
based on experience of past needs. Because of the very large world
market they command and their low mass-production unit costs, it
is possible by the elimination of all shippers, distributors and
other middlemen, to put in a price which rivals any similar product
of British origin.
Two of the many Fisher models have been chosen
to open the 1965 British campaign, the X-I00-A, a twin 17-Watt design
and the more powerful X-101-C, which forms the subject of this report.
The latter has several features that might be thought to have a
particular appeal to users on this side of the Atlantic, where the
typical amplifier owner is known to exhibit more devotion to the
music than the means of reproducing it. Logically, but almost uniquely
for an American design, the choice of input source is by push-button
so that one does not have to pass through several unwanted positions
before arriving at the one desired. In similar vein the usual profusion
of projecting knobs and controls has been avoided by placing most
of them in a recess under the black cover which forms the lower
half of the control panel; this cover is normally held in place
by a button latch taking the form of the Fisher trademark. The remainder
of the control panel is a gold anodised aluminium extrusion; the
push buttons are dark red and the control knobs brown with gilt
Inputs selected by the push buttons are as follows:
TAPE HEAD, PHONO, TUNER, AUX, TAPE PLAY; and there are accompanying
pairs of sockets on the rear, plus a pair for recording and a second
attenuated pair for use with high output pickup cartridges. It is
a pity that the desired simplification is rather spoilt in the case
of the first two buttons, for one of the switches under the panel
is marked EQUALISATION and has TAPE and PHONO positions; this switch
decides the compensation (RIAA for disc and NAB for tape) which
is applied on both the first two button positions. To most British
users this will be no snag, for they are unlikely to use the direct
tape head connection and so the first button can conveniently be
used for a separate magnetic pickup if required and the equalisation
switch left permanently in the phono position. No provision is made
for ceramic cartridges, and the radio and auxiliary connections
require a higher signal than many British designs.
The only two knobs on the panel are a MODE switch,
with MONO, STEREO and REVERSE positions (do we really need to reverse
channels these days?) and a combined On/Off switch VOLUME control.
A switch under the flap labelled LOUDNESS CONTOUR gives a substantial
(15dB) bass lift at lower volume settings, for those who like the
effect. Also on the panel are a tiny green jewel, illuminated when
the power is on, and a stereo headphone socket. In the recess are
two other slide switches, apart from the two already mentioned;
one brings in the HIGH FILTER and the other is the TAPE MONITOR.
Here again there is a minor departure from usual practice: as the
filter is in an early part of the circuit, before the record outlets,
it therefore operates on record but not on replay, unless the monitor
switch is turned off and the tape play button pressed instead; just
a little awkward until one gets used to it and then one can, if
required, use the filter twice, during both record and play.
Four undercover knob controls remain and one of
these is unusual, an OUTPUT SELECTOR. Due to an unconventional output
connection it is possible to connect a third central loudspeaker
and feed it with a part of the power of both amplifiers; this switch
brings such a central speaker and/or the headphones into circuit
as required. BASS and TREBLE controls are continuously variable
and of the twin, clutch-coupled type which I have described in past
reports and there is also a BALANCE control of the sort which reduces
the output of each channel to zero. Legends for the 'under the hatch'
controls are printed on the inside of the flap so that one does
not have to peer inside the compartment.
The chassis layout conforms to typical American
design, large but shallow with a raised frontal section covering
the back of the panel controls. Immediately behind are the early
stage valves, then the large output transformers and towards the
rear the power output valves; connections on the rear flange include
a pair of flat pin AC outlets. Layout underneath is open and point-to-point
with a minimum of tag strips. Six 'packaged electronic circuits'
(PECs) contain thirty-six components and help reduce the complexity.
Each channel uses six triodes (three of ECC83) and two 7591 output
tetrodes, a physically small but electrically hefty beam power valve
not usual in this country. The first feedback pair, with switched
equalisation, is used only for tape head and pickup. Other signals
are fed straight into the third triode, an anode follower with the
filter optionally switched into the feedback path. The signal from
this stage goes through a link provided so that a Fisher Spacexpander
(reverberation unit) can be added and also the tape monitor switch,
before feeding the passive tone controls and another triode. Then
it goes via volume/loudness and balance controls into the main amplifier
consisting of triode amplifier, 'top and tail' phase splitter and
output pair, running as straight tetrodes, grid biased; there is
22dB of negative feedback.
Power supply arrangements are quite up to date
and use a pair of silicon rectifiers in a voltage doubler configuration,
giving a very stable, large current supply for the Class A output
valves. The heaters of the four early stage valves are connected
in series with the output valve cathodes and thus receive a hum
free DC supply. Three pre-set controls are provided to set the output
valve bias and to adjust the balance of the drive from each phase
splitter. The output transformers have taps for 4, 8 and 16 Ohm
loads and, to provide the centre speaker feed, an unorthodox earthing
arrangement is adopted, the 4 Ohm taps being connected to chassis
so that the common tap of amplifier A and 16 Ohm tap of amplifier
B then provide the necessary sum signal. This simple idea provides
a mono signal for the centre speaker, with negligible blending of
the signals sent to the left and right speakers, no loss of damping
factor due to series connection of the common speaker, and no extra
Both to the ear and to measuring instruments this
is an outstanding amplifier and the repetitive way in which the
latter threw up results that exactly fitted the makers’ specification
was quite exceptional. One can have every confidence that all models
will be within the same 1dB or so which represents the limits of
tolerance of good production technique. There is little point in
publishing measurements that repeat those in the specification,
but I can add a few that are not mentioned: the only deviation was
in the filter which had its 3dB point at 6.5 Kc/s and not 5.5. Kc/s.
From each channel separately 32 Watts continuous were available,
falling to 25 Watts at 20 c/s and 28 Kc/s: 28 Watts were available
from each channel when both were driven. Distortion at low signal
levels and mid-frequencies was extremely low, about 0.03%. Square
waves were accurately reproduced with a very slight overshoot that
appeared to be due to stray capacity coupling in the loudness contour
switch: it was quite innocuous. The range of tone controls, which
is only specified overall, was Bass at 50 c/s + 13 to -11dB, Treble
at 10 Kc/s +10 to - 11dB. Stability was excellent and it was impossible
to produce oscillation with any load. Particularly notable are the
very high and quite genuine signal to noise figures, giving a very
silent background under all practical conditions.
To the ear this is a full-bodied, clean sounding
amplifier and it joins the select group which all sound the same
because they are all nearly perfect. It has some unusual features
not found elsewhere and offers more power than most. At the price
it really does represent excellent value for money and taking this
into account it can be considered to be the best integrated amplifier
available here at the present time.
[Note by P.W. The X-101 was one of the amplifiers
on the main production lines when I visited the Fisher Amplifier
plant in Pennsylvania. I was most impressed by the inspection arrangements
to ensure consistency in the models coming off each line. Not only
are there checks at the completion of each stage along the line
and a very thorough examination with elaborate testing instruments
at the end of the line; there is also a subsequent super-inspection
of 10% and if a single amplifier of any one batch is found faulty
the whole lot goes back and a rocket goes along the line. Geoffrey
Horn's confident surmise in his penultimate paragraph is thus fully