
from High Fidelity magazine, February 1960
SPECIFICATIONS (furnished by
manufacturer): Power output: 60 watts; with 120
watts peak. Distortion: 0.1% harmonic and 0.2% intermodulation at
30 watts; less than 0.5% harmonic and 1% intermodulation at 60 watts
(all distortions under 0.1% at 20-watt level or less). Frequency
response: ±0.5 db, 5 to 50,000 cps (attenuated beyond
100,000 cps). Power response: ±0.5 db, 20
to 20,000 cps at 60 watts. Controls: (4) Input
gain; output balance; bias; DC balance. Output impedance:
4, 8, and 16 ohms from terminal strip. Hum and noise:
95 db below output. Size: 14" x 8¼”
x 8". Price: $106.62. MANUFACTURER:
Grommes - Division of Precision Electronics, 9101 King St., Franklin
Park, Ill.
At a glance: The Grommes 260A
is a single-channel power amplifier rated at 60 watts output. Under
operating conditions specified below, our measurements indicated
a power output of 48 watts, but the full undistorted power of the
amplifier can be realized throughout the entire audio spectrum,
The distortion of the 260A, both intermodulation and harmonic, is
extremely low at all output levels up to its maximum, and also at
the lowest frequencies.
In detail: No attempt has been
made to make the Grommes 260A a "compact" amplifier. It
is large, solid, and very heavy. The pair of 6550 output tubes,
plus the pair of 5U4G rectifiers, the 6L6G screen voltage regulator,
and the bias supply regulator all suggest that this amplifier should
deliver its rated 60 watts or more without difficulty.
We were, therefore, somewhat surprised to find
that it would put out only some 48 watts (a second unit provided
about the same power). The instruction sheet accompanying the amplifier
supplied a clue: the 260A comes equipped with adjustments for individual
output tube currents, and these were set at the nominal 55mA level
suggested in the instructions. It was stated that this could be
increased to 60mA to increase the output, at the expense of tube
life, or reduced to 50 ma, to prolong tube life. We believe that
longer tube life is worth the sacrifice of a few watts; so we left
the original adjustments unchanged.
the power- and frequency-response curves were drawn with a straightedge
over most of their length. One expects a power amplifier to have
flat frequency response, but not many will deliver their full power
from 20 to 20,000 cps—as the Grommes 260A does, without fuss
or strain.
IM distortion was below the measuring capabilities
of our instruments up to about 5 watts output, and only reached
0.5% at 50 watts. Harmonic distortion at 1,000 cps was well below
IM distortion at all power levels. Most gratifying was the 20-cps
harmonic distortion, which was almost immeasurable up to 10 watts,
and at 40 watts reached only 0.4%. In our experience, only one other
power amplifier has produced so little distortion at this frequency.
The square wave response, to a 10- kc square wave,
was not very pretty. At slightly above 20 kc, a pronounced ringing
could be seen with an amplitude almost 20% of the square wave itself.
This, however, does not denote the presence of any instability or
incipient oscillation, as it sometimes does in power amplifiers.
Placing any capacitive load, even our 3-mf simulated electrostatic
speaker, across the output had no effect whatever on the square
wave response. We could not find any evidence of it in listening
tests, nor would we expect to in view of the ringing being well
outside the audible frequency range.
Hum level was totally inaudible, being between
80 and 90 db below 10 watts output depending on the gain control
In part, the Grommes 260A is a survival of the
time—only a few years ago—when amplifiers with a variable
damping factor were in vogue. This feature has happily disappeared
from most amplifiers today. We did not attempt to evaluate the DF
control, but would not be surprised to find that it has something
to do with the peculiar square wave response we observed. Incidentally,
we did find some considerable differences in the maximum power output
at the various output taps. All our measurements are normally made
at the 8-ohm tap, but we found that some 55 watts could be obtained
at the 16-ohm tap.
Considered without regard to whether it
is a 48-, 55-, or 60-watt amplifier, the Grommes 260A emerges as
one of the finest power amplifiers made, by virtue of its rugged,
conservative construction, and remarkably low distortion.
Hirsch-Houck Laboratories. |