Manufacturer's Specifications
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Year of manufacture: 1957
Manufactured by: Pamphonic Reproducers Ltd, 17 Stratton Street, London W1
Price when new (in the UK): £26 5s
Description: Integrated amplifier
Mono/stereo: Mono
Power output: 10 watts
Harmonic distortion: less than 0.5% at 10 watts and 1000c/s
Frequency response: 'Substantially flat' from 20-20,000 c/s
Output impedance: 3.5 & 15
Tone controls: Bass (-16dB to + 15dB at 50c/s), treble (-16dB to + 16dB at 10kc/s), loudness contour (Fletcher-Munson)
Inputs: Microphone: 6 mV
Pick-up: 12-15 mV (plug-in attenuation)
Tape/radio: 100 mV
Hum & noise: Microphone: -53dB
Pick-up: -54dB
Tape/radio: -65dB
Tubes: 2 x 6BW6, 2 x 12AX7, 1 x EF86, full-wave bridge selenium rectifier
Power consumption: 70 watts
Power supply: 100-150V, 200-250V; 50 - 60 c/s