
Taken from High Fidelity Magazine
August 1961
A GLANCE: The Pilot 248 is a high quality integrated stereo amplifier
which combines the dual 30-watt power amplifier channels of the
Pilot 264 with a comprehensive stereo control facility. The result
is an attractive, relatively compact, and generally fine performing
instrument. Price: $249.50 (includes enclosure).
IN DETAIL: The control functions of the Pilot
248 were found to be complete, if conventional. For instance, the
tone controls are the concentric, slip-clutch type, which means
they can be used on both channels simultaneously, or—by a
slight movement of the control on its shaft—adjusted for each
channel individually. Master volume and stereo balance controls
are included. A separate switch offers two degrees of loudness compensation,
or none at all. Seven pairs of stereo inputs are provided (or fourteen
for mono signals) which are chosen by the selector switch. These
include: FM-AM tuner, multiplex adapter, tape recorder, tape head,
microphone, and phono. A mode selector chooses stereo, stereo reverse,
or either channel playing through both speakers. Handily arranged
slide switches control power, rumble filter, scratch filter, tape
monitor, and a selection of either of two phono inputs. The speaker
terminals, in addition to the normal two (stereo) speaker connections,
include provision for connecting a "center channel" speaker
as well. This speaker, which delivers a mono signal from stereo
inputs, can be used for "center fill" on stereo, or for
mono listening remotely. A speaker selector switch chooses either
or both of the two (left and right) speakers connected. The Model
248 measures 14½ in. across, 12¾ in. deep, and 5¼
in. high. It is supplied in a metal housing and finished in the
brass and black styling that characterizes Pilot's recent products.
Laboratory tests indicate that the Model 248 is
truly a high quality amplifier. At normal listening levels, its
IM distortion was virtually immeasurable (below 0.1%); it reached
2% only at 38 watts output per channel. This is a higher power output
than the amplifier is rated at; the IM figure, incidentally, was
derived with both channels driven to full power simultaneously,
a most severe test. Mid-frequency harmonic distortion also was well
below 0.1% at normal listening levels (though this is not shown
in the curves). Actually, the critical test of harmonic distortion
at 20 cycles shows the true mettle of the amplifier. This figure
was well under 0.3% up to 15 watts output, and reached 2% at 21.5
watts per channel.
The frequency response curve, taken at a low output
level, was generally good. Power response, taken at 35 watts, was
nearly as flat. The action of the tone controls was good, as was
the phono equalization curve, which showed only a slight error for
RIAA compensation. The effect of the loudness control can be mild
or strong, as selected by the user. The rumble and scratch filters,
however, were found to be too gradual in their action, removing
appreciable program material along with the noise content at low
and high frequencies respectively.
A somewhat novel feature of the Model 248 is the
individual "certified performance data" sheet that accompanies
each model and shows the manufacturer's measured distortion and
output for the particular unit. It is interesting to note the extent
to which this data was verified in our laboratory tests. For instance,
the amount of harmonic distortion when plotted against frequency
response, from 25 to 20,000 cps, agreed almost exactly with our
test data. Power output at 20 cps, at 0.5% distortion, was not quite
as high as claimed, but the difference was slight enough to be characterized
validly as not far from the limits of experimental error. The IM
distortion figures given for 30 watts output could not be matched
in our lab tests. Actually, the measured IM distortion varied widely
with different settings of the amplifier's volume control. At that,
the variation, with respect to the claimed figures, hovered around
an order of a few tenths of a per cent. Thus, instead of the 0.15%
claimed, it was found to be approximately 0.2% to 0.5%, figures
which—on any basis, comparison or no—stack up as very
In sum, the Pilot Model 248 can be characterized
as one of the better integrated amplifiers presently available.
It represents an attractive combination of high power, low distortion,
high gain, and very low hum (for normal gain settings). These performance
characteristics, combined with the obvious convenience of its functions
all on one chassis and the simplified installation it suggests,
should recommend it to many buyers.