
First seen at the London Audio Fair in the spring of 1964, the TSA 100
stereo amplifier heralded a departure for Truvox from their well-established
tape recorder range. It was also one of the first all-transistor amplifiers
made in Britain.
Front panel facilities included a 5-position input
selector, dual ganged bass and treble controls, balance control, combined
volume and /Off switch, mono/stereo switch, tape monitor switch, scratch
and rumble filters and a headphone output which disconnected the loudspeaker
Rated at 10, 12.5 and 15 watts RMS at 15, 8 and 4
respectively with less than 0.25% distortion at full power, the TSA 100
was priced at £51 9s. At present early solid-state amplifiers are
not considered collectible and/or valuable and so this attractive amplifier
would be a bargain for any first-time collector. Probable value around
the £50 - £80 mark if in good condition.
See the 1964 test report for
more details.

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