Quad 22 stereo control unit (1959 - 1967)
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Designed for use with the Quad II power amplifier and derived from the mono QCII control unit (top picture, right), the 22 control unit featured comprehensive tone filtering and equalisation adjustments. The edge-controlled knobs and puss-buttons kept the stylish front-panel uncluttered. Both the mono QCII and stereo 22 remained in production until 1967, when they were replaced by the transistorised Quad 33 control unit.

The stereo 22 provided full facilities for both mono and stereo (when coupled with a pair of Quad II power amplifiers). The six front-panel pushbuttons performed 19 different functions: two of them provided mono/stereo selection while the other four selected program source for radio, microphone, disc (with four different equalisation characteristics) or tape.

Rear-panel plug-in adaptor units enabled any pickup to be matched accurately, and a chart was provided showing the push-button combinations required for correct equalisation settings for different types of records, old and 'new'. (remember that until the early 1960s, there were no standard equalisation settings for records and it wasn't until recording companies finally agreed on standard equalisation that this feature disappeared from preamplifiers).

Priced at £25 when new, today's value is around £125 to £150 for a good, clean working example.




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