Manufacturer's Specifications
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Year of manufacture: 1959-1967
Price when new (in the UK): £25
Description: pre-amplifier
Mono/stereo: stereo
Distortion: controls level, any input less 0.02% Less than 0.1% (least favourable arrangement of controls)
Hum and noise: -70dB
Frequency response (±0.5dB): 20 - 20,000 c/s
Controls: bass, treble, 6 push buttons for input selection and equalising, Volume on/off, Filter: 5, 7 10 kc/s level, slope control; level to 50dB per octave (combined with cancel switch)
Inputs: radio and tape 100K 70mV; microphone 100K 1.5mV; pickup from 4mV according to matching unit used
Output: to power amp - 1.4Vrms tape output peak signal approximately 0.25Vrms, max loading 500K and 200pF
Crosstalk: better than 40dB 20-20,000 c/s
Gain stability: less than 1dB between channels, any volume setting and tone controls level
Balance control: up to 9dB unbalance either way
Tubes: 2 x EF86, 2 x ECC83
Power supply: from power amplifier, 330V 4mA, 6.3V 1.1A
Dimensions: 10½ x 3½ x 6 inches (267 x 89 x 152 mm)
Weight: 8.8lbs (4kg)