Manufacturer's Specifications
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Amplifier details
SpecificationsVintage test report

Year of manufacture: 1961 - 1964
Manufactured by: Rogers Developments Ltd., Rodevco Works, 4-14 Barmeston Road, Catford, London, S.E.6.
Price when new (in the UK): £25 10s 6d (amplifier and control unit not sold separately)
Power output: 6 watts per channel
Mono/stereo: stereo
Harmonic distortion: 0.25% at 6 watts
Frequency response (±2dB) 20 - 20kHz ±1dB
Signal to noise ratio: -75dB
Feedback: 18dB
Output impedance: 3/5 and 10/15
Crosstalk: -43dB at full gain
Input sensitivity: 68mV required for 6 watts output
Tubes: 4 x ECL86
Dimensions: 12 in. x 6 in. x 4½ in. (305 x 152 x 114 mm)
Weight: 10½ lb (4.8 kg)
Controls: volume; bass and treble, (ganged) ± 14dB at 40 c/s and 10Kc/s respectively; balance ± 4dB; function switch; disc switch (caters for compatible stereo pickups); separate On/Off switch; pre-set rumble filter
Hum and noise: -66dB
Inputs: disc (75 mV) suitable for crystal and ceramic pickups; radio (75 mV), tape replay (75 mV), tape record (250 mV)
Tubes: 2 x ECC83
Dimensions: 9¼ in. x 5½ in. x 5¾ in. (305 x 152 x 114 mm)
Weight: 4½lb