Taken from The Gramophone magazine,
August 1962
At the London Audio Fair, back in April, one
of the nicer demonstrations was given by Messrs. Rogers who had
in their room three complete sets of equipment of ascending price
and rang the changes on them for the benefit of their visitors.
Now whether or not that will prove to be a good thing from their
point of view I do not know, but it is a fact that after a demonstration
of the cheapest group many people thought that they would have difficulty
in proving the need for anything better! Well, of course, in truth
the more costly affair showed considerable improvement for those
with golden ears; but nevertheless since then the talk has been
of the comparative excellence of this low cost set-up which to many
people has obviously remained an outstanding feature of their visit
to the show.
The principal actors in this very successful presentation
were the "Deram" cartridge, Goodman's Axiom 10 loudspeakers
in Design Furniture GD10 cabinets and the subject of this report,
the new Rogers "Cadet" stereo amplifier and control unit.
Now I am very much in favour of anything like this which reduces
the cost of high quality listening: and there are several reasons
why the combination is both successful and economical. Mr. Rogers
deserves praise for realising these possibilities and will I hope,
reap the reward of his skill. At the same time it should be remembered
that this very acceptable sound for £X is not equal to the
results produced by the £3X and £4X equipments in spite
of a few somewhat naive voices to be heard saying just this.
The designer of a high quality stereo amplifier
which is to enter a low cost market is at once worried, not by the
complexity of his circuitry but by the nagging problem of what can
be left out. In theory, I suppose the man who can omit the most
without it becoming too obvious is the winner of this particular
race; but if our designer has a conscience and also a good name
to maintain, then he can only omit those things which his skill
renders unnecessary. To help him he has the parallel skill displayed
by fellow designers of pickups and loudspeakers. And it is with
the pickup designers that the first big economies begin.
A rising standard of performance in the new generation
of ceramic pickups helps the amplifier designer in two ways; for
by restricting his new baby to a ceramic or crystal high-protein
diet he can omit a stage of amplification (the voltage produced
by a ceramic is ten times that of a magnetic); and more important
still he can omit the components normally required to equalise for
the (RIAA) recording characteristic, because a well engineered ceramic
will do it automatically if the amplifier load is properly chosen.
The reason for this is that crystals and ceramics produce an output
which is proportional to the amplitude of the recording: i.e. a
large wriggle of the groove produces a large output. (By comparison,
the output of a magnetic pickup is proportional to the speed at
which the wriggle takes place.) Now it so happens that recording
characteristics are chosen which are almost the exact opposite of
the ceramic's behaviour. Treble is recorded more strongly to counter
hiss, and bass is reduced to permit closer grooves and long playing
time. Thus a practical recorded groove is not very far from constant
in amplitude for all frequencies and the skill of the pickup designer,
who has as his allies a collection of resonances, several compliances
and a few spots of damping, can soon take up the slack and produce
a flat response.
At the other end of the chain it is reasonable
to assume that no one is going to use a pair of expensive, very
wide range, loudspeakers and so the elaboration of a low pass filter
is unjustified and the roll-off in the extreme treble is left to
the customer when choosing his speaker systems. Bass and treble
controls are necessary though, for low cost loudspeakers can often
benefit from a little help in this way. Similarly, output power
can be restricted for inexpensive speakers are not necessarily inefficient.
A contrary factor arises in the need for a rumble filter to allow
the use of the cheaper gramophone motors without distress to amplifier,
speaker or listener: but our designer can't expect to have it all
his own way.
The picture of what is required is now plain and
I am sure it will come as no surprise to the reader to learn that
the new "Cadet" fills the frame almost exactly. The power
amplifiers use two ECL86 valves each, the pentodes as push- pull
output and the triodes as amplifier and phase splitter, with negative
feedback overall. Output and mains transformers are housed under
a metal cover finished in hammer silver enamel. The familiar Rogers
maroon chassis is used, but the valves and small components are
in fact mounted on a sub-chassis and the successful type of construction
previously used in the HG88 amplifier, involving the extensive use
of tiny stand-off insulators is continued. A selenium bridge rectifier
with resistor/capacitor smoothing supplies high tension. No one
would question the integrity of the components or wiring even before
they know the price!
The control unit has a brushed brass and matt
black panel with good ivory knobs and clear markings. The three
push buttons select input from radio, disc or tape: adjacent is
a 5 pin socket, continental type, for tape input/output connections.
The large knob is volume and by its side is an on/off switch. Above
are a rather brilliant amber pilot lamp and two slide switches providing
mono/stereo selection facilities. The other three controls are balance,
bass and treble. At the rear are sockets for all inputs (the tape
ones have adjustable input potentiometers to avoid overload with
some recorders) and a rumble filter switch. Each half of the pre-
amplifier uses a single ECC83 double triode valve.
The measurements made on this model fit the specification
very closely and are so nearly identical between channels that I
shall only quote for one.
Frequency response: Radio input, tone controls
flat volume max. ± 1 dB 30 c/s to 30 kc/s.
Power/Frequency response: 6 watts between 140 c/s and 8 kc/s; 5
watts at 40 c/s and 16 kc/s; 4 watts at 30 c/s and 21 kc/s.
Range of bass control at 40 c/s: ±14 dB - of treble control
at 10 kc/s -16 dB +9 dB - Of balance control -3 dB +5.5 dB. Rumble
filter operates on all inputs and has an insertion loss of 2 dB.
-2 dB at 60 c/s, -4 dB at 50, -8 dB at 40, -12 dB at 30 Input required
was 68 millivolts for 6 watts output into 15 ohms load. Stability
was adequate for all normal loads. Negative feedback was 14 dB.
Cross- talk at full gain was -43 dB. Hum and noise at full gain
50 dB below 6 watts, at minimum gain 76 dB below 6 watts.
What the "Cadet" sounds like has
been discussed at the beginning of this report and so it only remains
to conclude by saying that to produce equipment which performs so
well, looks so nice and costs so little is a rare and welcome achievement
G.E.H. |